Friday, October 26, 2007

It's Friday?

Where did this week go? It seems I just posted yesterday. Oops.

This week has just flown by. I assume it's because Brenda has just started working in earnest on her thesis. I'm so proud of her. This is a huge step for her. This has also meant that I'm back to editing her papers. And let's be honest, I'm not into medical terms. For anyone out there that's helping their spouse or loved one through a higher ed program in the medical field. Learn your Latin! I may not now what the word really means, but at least I can tell what part of speech it should be and make sure that part of the writing is correct. (Think "The patient presented with accute itis. Just make sure its used correctly. Let her do the spelling.

Emilea is really turning the corner on her homework, or she's snowing us better. She's been taking a lot of initiative lately. This is new for her. Again...another girl to be REALLY proud of.

Tonight is the family fun night at Emilea's school. We've gone to this in the past. It's a lot of fun. People dress up and then there are lots of games to choose from.

We had our first meeting for the school yearbook yesterday. This should be fun. I really like doing the pictures and the design...I just need to keep people around me that like to actually lay the pages out. Brenda loves I'm good for that!

K and guys OK? I haven't seen anything for a while. You are probably just as busy as us.


Nellie said...

we're still here... will post this weekend, as MIL was here all week and it has been a hectic week to say the least... stay tuned. K