Tuesday, May 29, 2007

FOXNews.com - Riots Break Out in Venezuelan Capital After Chavez Pulls Plug on Opposition TV Station - International News | News of the World | Middle

It's sad to know that there are people out there that didn't see this coming. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. There has never been a benevolent dictator in the history of our planet that didn't seek to create a cult of personality. Chavez is becoming the next dictator of South America. He will be no different then Fidell Castro.

How can you believe that giving up your freedom is ever a way to reach equality for all? Why is equality for all a good thing? Humans are by their very nature competitive. Hugo will do all he can to stay in power. You are fool to believe that all of the changes he's implemented are for the benefit of Venezuela.

Equality at the price of freedom will get you neither.

FOXNews.com - Riots Break Out in Venezuelan Capital After Chavez Pulls Plug on Opposition TV Station - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News