Wednesday, August 08, 2007

We need to stopping tinkering with Darwinism

I just read this article today. "Survey Shows Support For Bans On E-Mail, Texting While Driving", written by K.C. Jones of InformationWeek.

Enough already. The idea behind Darwinism, is that the strong gene set will go on to populate the earth. If we keep making it harder for the truly stupid to kill themselves, we will be encouraging them to breed and thus, the human population will continue to become more and more stupid.

Why is important for the U.S. Government to protect us from ourselves? If people want to do stupid things that will kill them...I say let them. Mother Government is a horrible idea. I know, I know, they might kill others in their wake, but why on God's Green Earth would you want the government to tell you how to live your life?

People piss and moan all the time that they hate the government taking money out of our wallets through taxes, yet we demand that they tell us what we can and can't do. They need all that money to enforce the stupid programs we demand from them. People need to the right to as moronic as they want to be.

This is just one more piece of stupid legistlation that will get all the press it wants. “Will someone please think of the children?” How are people ever going to learn that doing stupid things can have bad results. They won't. Next...we need to find a way to mandate that everyone has rails on their beds so that no one will fall out...again.