Friday, September 05, 2008

She did it! What happened to my baby girl?

Yesterday was a really big day in our house. OhPrincess2 went off to kindergarten.

It's a day I knew would get here, but somehow, you never seem prepared for when it does. I couldn't help it, I got pretty misty and I wasn't even there.

My new job offers some really amazing opportunities. The one big draw back is: I just can't get home when I need to. OhCountess took care of it, but OhPrincess2 got plenty of hugs from me before I left for work. OhCountess did fire up the camera and got some great shots of the big event.

I can't believe that it's been 5 years, but look at her now. She was really excited to get this show on the road and I can't believe what a big girl she is.

She was really excited about riding the bus. Her new bus driver was all set for the kids. When he picked her up, he greeted her by name and introduced himself. All I could think of was, "Wow!" now that's cool. It really made her feel special.

If you look closely, you can see her looking out the window. My little girl.

When she got back from school, she was beaming from ear to ear. She had had a really fun day. In fact, when she was walking down the sidewalk towards the house, she couldn't wait to get her homework out of her back pack.

Hi Mom! I'm home!

By 5 o'clock, it was all over. She was pooped.

I'm so proud of my little girl. Yesterday she became a big kid and had fun doing it.

Stay tuned...our adventures just keep coming!


Mr Lady said...

Oh my lord, she's SO cute.

Nellie said...

that was the cutest post i think i've ever seen you post! i just love that little girl... she is so dang cute! it is so sad that we all live this close and rarely see each other! i miss them!! she sure looks cute... and that pic of her lying on the floor zonked out made me actually laugh out loud. ha!

Nellie said...

oh and one more thing... in that first picture i cannot believe how much she looks like her momma!!

WeaselMomma said...

Awwwww. She is too sweet. How are Mom and Dad holding up? I always find it amusing how school wipes them out over the first few weeks and am impressed that Mom was able to let her go on the bus the first day.


The bus pic melted my heart...they look so small!

Supaar said...
