Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Pirate's Code - It's more of a guide

People who know me know how complete pissed I was at the Patriot Act of 2001. It was passed right after the tragedy of September 11th, 2001. I know how scared everyone was, but let's be honest, does anyone think that FBI, CIA and NSA will always use their powers for good? Please.

In one of my favorite blogs, Good Morning Silicon Valley, John Murrell writes about the latest set back to the Patriot Act. The FBI and the Justice Dept can no longer just walk into court and say..."It's secret" and leave. Yes, that's all it took before. The judge in the case believes that they need to actually explain themselves when the slap a gag order on an ISP when the go fishing in the logs. Heck of a nice try though.

I'm always amazed at how the "Conservatives" in our political system talk about getting government out of our lives, yet, find more ways to attempt to circumvent the U.S. Constitution than is really necessary. The president even swears an oath,

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office
of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve,
protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

It sure looks like it says "preserve, protect and defend" to me. I'm not sure I can read it to say, "I will circumvent, ignore or assult."

The nature of powerful leaders is to become more powerful. This is the most powerful government in the world, but, like I've mentioned before...I love this quote,

"People should not fear their government, the government should fear the

We need to remind our leaders periodically that they serve not to their power, but at the will of the people. We are the people. Of course the people need to be reminded periodically
He who would give up liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.
Democracy and freedom will fail if you allow them to take away our liberty. I understand the fear of terrorism, but what they want is a society where there is no liberty, so, in a sense, they are already winning. It is through fear that we are controlled. You get one shot on this world, be proud, be strong and live YOUR life.