Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We are leaving on a jet plane...

I'm sitting at the gate at Richmond International Airport (RIC) sucking up the free Wi-Fi. What a beautiful thing that is. Mark this down folks...free airport wi-fi exists at McCarran International (LAS) in Las Vegas and here. This should be automatic. Paying $8/hour is just ridiculous.

This airport has another great feature, we actually had no line at the security checkpoint. What, you say? Yes, there was no line. In all my years of travelling, I've never see that before. We just walked up, took off all of our clothes and put the laptops in tubs. Oops, I had to take of my belt, that and shoes were all we needed to do.

I was pretty excited I got to post pictures and short descriptions during the last week, but I've got a lot of great stories to tell. Today, we are travelling. Richmond to Atlanta to Minneapolis. When I close my laptop and board the plane, I know we won't be with Internet until tonight, but even then, we might just unpack and chill.

Let's just start the recap by saying everyone had a blast! So much fun!

Happy travels!


Cynthia said...

I came here looking for Scotch;)